32. Avrupa Üroloji Kongresi, 24-28 Mart 2017 Londra
Verit A.
Fsm Hospital, Urology, Istanbul
CONCLUSIONS: It was more recently announced by archeological society that cave art about human being dated back to 8,000 years ago had been discovered at southern of Asia Minor. These simple cave paintings had been drawn with red ocher composed of iron oxide and iron binding liquid that applied to rock via bare fingers or with simple tools. In the archeological point of view, it was claimed that these figures, located at their “cult centers”, were dancing for celebrating the onset of spring or the start of harvest season as a reflection of the belief system of the time. The primitive human figures composed of head, trunk, limbs and surely the phallus pointing the ground almost the same size with legs (Figures 1,2).
It was not illogical to reach a perspective that the present cave artists represented their masterpiece without any exaggeration with the exception of extraordinary phallus. JJ Matelaer reported that prehistoric phallic presentations had been supposed to link strongly to the terms as ‘strength’ and ‘power’ and addition to ‘virility’ and ‘fertility’ and reported that the early known examples of phallic image in the pioneer human art were dated back about 30,000 years ago. Neolithic period is regarded as big revolution of human social life that means the beginning of the settlement period of mankind. Neolithic process was discernible in the period from 11,000 to 6,000 BC for Anatolia. The earliest known “Cult center” Göbeklitepe-Sanliurfa (10-9,000 BC) dated back to initial part of this period just relatively closer –300 km Eastern to the location of the present cave art.
Anatolian cave artists did not hesitate to draw even women with phallus (Bafa –Latmos, 8,000BC, 400 km Western of zero point). The erected penis is regarded as the symbol of giver of life and linked with the creator of the Universe in the initial period of art. Thus I think that, present erected penis vitalizes the soil as in the form of agricultural products. The lower limbs and the penis were at the same ground level so that there was a close relation between the ground and the tip of penis (Figure 1).
The creative contact between them seemed to be inevitable. In addition, hands-up to the sky and the phallus downward to the ground depiction might be connector position of men between the creators that located at the sky and the fields that supply goods such as agricultural products. However, despite of the tiny role of human among the creation process, phallus seemed to be the relatively main actor for all these life drama. Herein, I tried to speculate the more recent discovery of archeology in Anatolia through an eye glass of andrology. With their masterpieces, primitive humans tried to understand what had happening around this bizarre huge wonderful world and the role of his weak and small but interesting and incredible body. All in all, despite of many unanswered questions or speculations of excavation areas the key role of phallus is undisputed.
Eur Urol Suppl 2017; 16(3);e887
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